Concrete is a major construction material you will need during your construction. It's therefore important to invest carefully in concrete by selecting the right type of concrete for your project. For this reason, premix concrete is among the concrete types you can consider. Premix concrete is manufactured in a batching plant or factory according to given construction requirements and then transported to a work site. Here are a few advantages of using this type of concrete during construction.

Reduced Time and Expenses of Construction

Onsite concrete mixing can consume a lot of time. In addition, the manual labour involved during onsite mixing of concrete is significant. Premix concrete eliminates the onsite concrete mixing procedure and reduces the number of workers onsite who would otherwise be needed to complete this part of the job. For this reason, premix concrete will reduce the time and the labour costs of construction. Premix concrete also eliminates the need for onsite erecting and dismantling of batching plants or equipment that can lead to delays.

Besides the labour costs, premix concrete will also reduce the storage costs considerably. Apart from being cumbersome, the costs of storing raw materials, including water, aggregate, and cement can be expensive as well. In addition, there are risks of pilferage of the raw materials such as cement when stored on site. For this reason, premix concrete will eliminate such issues.

Greater Quality

The quality of premix concrete will be relatively high because of a variety of reasons. First, with premix concrete, production is done under controlled or computerised conditions. In addition, a consistent quality of the raw materials is used. For traditional concrete, the grading of the aggregate or the ratio of water to cement may not be totally feasible. Moreover, the raw materials used in premix concrete are often chose after quality checks, which is unlike in traditional concrete where the quality of the raw materials may not even be checked at all or it can be checked manually.


First, premix concrete can be tailored to suit the contractor's placing methods. In addition, if concrete is to be mixed onsite, the availability of the ingredients can limit the amount of concrete you will have at any given time. In addition, since the mixer may not handle large quantities, the mixing will have to be done repeatedly, consuming a lot of time. On the other hand, for premix concrete, you can simply order large quantities of the concrete depending on the size of your project.
